Double & Triple Glazed Timber + Aluminium Windows
Double & Triple Glazed Timber + Aluminium Windows
Timber + Aluminium combination windows (also known as aluminium clad timber windows) provide an alternative solution to traditional timber windows. Our products are available in double and triple glazed windows. The addition of an external aluminium cladding to the timber frame improves the durability and weather resistance of the window. The aluminium cladding reduces the impact of weather and UV exposure. This results in a reduction in the necessary maintenance and care of a standard timber window (frequent re-painting or nourishment of the surface), whilst still providing the interior of the building with the classic and high-end look of timber.
We manufacture these products by mounting an aluminium profile to the exterior surface of the timber window frame and sash. Timber + Aluminium windows come in a number of timber species and finishes. We build these windows in large sizes and in a number of shapes and configurations. SCS powder coats or anodizes the surface of the aluminium in a wide range of finishes.
Our aluminium clad timber windows windows form part of our high-end imported range of double and triple glazed windows. The aluminium profile is also available in the matching door system for the complete package to support all projects.
Get a Quote Download Brochure Download Glazing Details Download Finishes Download DrawingsHigh Quality Double & Triple Glazed Windows – Timber + Aluminium
Timber + Aluminium windows are the climax of modern window technology. Timber + Aluminium windows combine the strength, weather resistance, low maintenance and durability of aluminium externally with the classy, high-end and stylish appearance of timber internally.
Timber + Aluminium composite windows are manufactured by mounting external aluminium cladding to an 80 mm thick solid timber frame. This external aluminium cladding adds strength to the window and protects the timber surface from weather and UV-impact increasing the longevity of the window and reducing maintenance requirement (periodic re-paint and nourishment of the surface not required).
Timber + Aluminium windows are available in both double and triple glazing for superior thermal and acoustic performance. These windows can also be made in very large sizes and spans due to their structural stability, making this a very attractive option for commercial buildings and high-end residential design.
Contact SCS to discuss our timber + aluminium and triple glazed window products. SCS can provide you with pricing for triple glazed windows in timber + aluminium and much more. We are also an expert in triple glazed window installation.
Double & Triple Glazed Windows – Timber + Aluminium Finishes
Timber + aluminium windows are available in a number of timber species. To see the full range of timber species, please refer to the Timber Windows page. The timber profile is completely finished in the factory to your choice of stain or paint colour. The timber profiles are machine painted prior to installation of aluminium, glazing or gaskets, to ensure a high quality and even finish, with all surfaces treated and protected. The timber stain types and colour options can be assessed on the downloads tab..
Double & Triple Glazed Windows
The type of glazing selected for a window can influence the daylight transmission, thermal properties, sound insulation, safety, privacy and security of the whole window unit. It is essential that the glazing type is specified carefully for each project to ensure the end product provides a healthy, comfortable, temperature stable and quiet environment.
To achieve this balance, modern glazing technology has advanced to provide a wide variety of glass types and coatings. Double and triple glazed windows can use these glass types in combination in order to achieve the desired outcome. Double glazing combines two layers of glass, with an insulated spacer in order to increase the thermal insulation of a window. Triple glazing combines 3 layers of glass with two insulated spacers in order to achieve greater thermal insulation.
Double & Triple Glazed Windows – Opening Types
SCS supplies double and triple glazed windows in a wide variety of shapes and configurations. The shape of the window and opening type can influence the thermal and acoustic insulation, security, safety and structural strength of the window.
Most common type of window used throughout Europe and supplied by SCS. In one position the window tilts inwards at the top for permanent ventilation. The second position swings inwards (similar to a door) for flush ventilation and cleaning. This window type uses a multi-point locking system to apply high compression on the double seals, to reduce air penetration. These windows can also be made in a double opening (French style) to increase the clear opening and ventilation.
- Extremely high thermal and acoustic performance
- Minimal air leakage/drafts
- Increased security
- Secure in tilt function (steel bar) for constant ventilation
- Easy to clean, especially for upper storey windows
- Must be installed and adjusted by an experienced installer
- Interior blind solutions must be carefully designed to integrate well with this solution
Double & Triple Glazed Windows – Hardware
The installation of high quality and well finished handles will greatly influence the final design and appearance of the window. Selecting a complementary handle type and colour will impact the overall style of the room. SCS supplies a range of high-quality window handles for our European windows in a variety of styles. Our handles are available in both key lockable and non-key lockable to suit all design, safety and security requirements.
Double & Triple Glazed Windows – Flyscreens & Security Screens
Flyscreens are an important component of all residential and commercial properties. They are mainly used as a barrier against insects, however with changing technology they can fulfil many other purposes besides preventing the intrusion of insects. Different materials types and configurations can be used for insect prevention (standard flywire), bush fire protection (metal mesh) and security (steel mesh and diamond grill screens).
For all our window projects, SCS can supply the matching flyscreen or supply you with a suitable flyscreen contractor, to ensure the appropriate screens are supplied to your project.
Double & Triple Glazed Windows – Customised Designs & Special Features
Windows supplied by SCS, can come with special features and profile additions in order to suit the required style.
Glazing bars and colonial bars are an important decorative window feature in many architectural designs. SCS supplies a range of products with glazing bars, colonial bars and glazing separators to suit your needs, whether you are creating a Hampton style home, preserving the character of a Federation style home, matching heritage overlay or enhancing an architectural element.